Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Post 6 : Books

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Hi everyone :  Today's post is about one of the topics you chose: Books . When thinking about the things I do in your free time, books come to my mind at once. I love reading different things: novels, poltics, history,essays, etc, but definitely my favourite books are novels by Latinoamerican and European writers. In recent years I´ve been very interested in Jose Saramago, the Portuguese Nobel Prize winner. The best book I 've ever read is " Ensayo sobre la ceguera". which  has left  a deep mark in my memory.  Last summer I read another interesting book "Los pacientes del Dr. García"  by Almudena Grandes  a Spanish writer who fantastically can link 4  apparently disconnected stories  taking place in different continents during 50 years, but in the end you can see they're all connected .That's what I call , talent.. What about you? Do you have any favourite book (s)? Why ? Why not?  What are your favourite books? Use 160 words. Don´t forget to leave  comments on my blog and  3 of your classmates´.


cranarbo said...

I also like Jose Saramago! very nice

GabrielOso said...

What a magnificent writters you choose Miss. I read some latinoamerican writters too when i was 15 or 16 years old. I read "Mil años de soledad" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Claudia Vidal said...
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Claudia Vidal said...

I don't read to much, but novels are interesting

Mati_Vives said...

The book "Los pacientes del Dr. García" look pretty insteresting. I hope to read it some day.

Javiera z said...

The book "Los pacientes del Dr. García" it´s a very interesting book!

GabrielOso said...

*"CIEN años de soledad" lol.

Camila Nuñez said...

Nice post i will read those novels

Ignacio Ulloa Acuña said...

I don't know Almudena Grandes, maybe I will read this writer next summer.

EduardoPizarro said...

I would like to have that taste for reading...Thanks for sharing your favorite books!

Claudio M. said...

the book "ensayo sobre la ceguera" sound interesting I hope to read it. Very nice post

Anna said...

I think that I will read the "Los pacientes del Dr. García" book !

Mariaaa said...

Jose Saramago is a interesting author!

fer said...

a book that i liked writted by Jose Saramago is "blindness" i recommend it

Luciano said...

These books sounds very interesting, i've heard a few times about "Estudio de la ceguera", but nobody dare to ranking as number one. Now, I'm even more interested on it.

Claudia Morán said...

I would like to read "Ensayo sobre la Ceguera"

Scarlette Barrientos B. said...

also I love read

Maximiliano Andre Medel Caro said...

Wow look like you have a lot of knowledge about the books. Im really interesting in read some good books, can you recommend me a good one? Bye!