Thursday, 27 June 2019

Post 9 : Vacations

Resultado de imagen para hueicolla la union

Hi bloggers: Well, here we are  blogging  about   the last  topic you chose some time ago :VACATIONS. Some of the ones that I most remember are some summer vacations I spent in the south of Chile many years  ago. The place is called Hueicolla , located in the tenth region near La Unión and Osorno on the  Valdivian jungle coast. It was and - as far as I know- still is a very wild place: no electricity,no paved roads, no shops , just some fishermen and their families living there all the year long and some houses that were used only on holidays. We got there by sailing  a steam boat along a river  for about 8 hours   with all the supplies  for a month. It was such an adventure!  Sometimes under heavy rain, some others on sunny days. You could never tell! When you finally got to your destination, a lot of other adventures started: what to cook, how to barter  cigarettes, wine or other things for fish and seafood with the fishermen, since money was not used there. You  had nothing to buy  there! It was a totally different  lifestyle. I liked it so much. Besides, the place was a perfect combination of forests and seaside, so it was hard to get bored. What about you?  Do you have any favourite vacations? If you don’t, what would your ideal vacations be like? Use 190 words and leave comments on 3 of your classmates'posts plus mine too. See you .


Maximiliano Andre Medel Caro said...

What a perfect place!.. Nature and desconection! i need to travel to that place some day!

KCAD said...

Vacations is the best time of year.

Claudia Vidal said...

I'm very impressed about the lifestyle there

EduardoPizarro said...

Vacations are instances that all people need

Javiera z said...
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Luciano said...

Wow, sounds very interesting that place. Most people won't bear those conditions.

Javiera z said...
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Mariaaa said...

definitely hueicolla seem interesting!

Javiera z said...

That vacation is such an interesting experience! so cool.

fer said...

The south of Chile is definitely so beautiful and interesting

Anna said...

I love South of Chile. Is so beautiful, magical and interesting. The best place for the vacations.

Camila Nuñez said...

What exciting place!

Claudio M. said...

Interesting place!! I love the south of Chile <3

cranarbo said...

What a nice place!